Rev. Ken Mukendi
Assembly Of Jeffersonville
Church's Address:
1805 East 8th Street, Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130, USA
Email :
Phone : 812 697 4102
Preacher's Address:
3357 wooded way, Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130, USA
Assembly Of Jeffersonville

The Early church of Yeshua Ha Mashyah in Jeffersonville is an answer to prophet Branham desire to see African missionaries come to America and teach his people the word of God, and how to live a holy life. Specially to remind people of Jeffersonville that God-Elohim sent a true prophet of this generation in their city with a salvation message. Joseph Branham, Billy Paul and their respective staffs have done no work of spreading the message in Jeffersonville and in United Stated as a whole since the departure of the prophet. They don’t preach or teach the message, they have forsaken it and turned back to do their own business and make more money. They have been now selling everything from brochures to water. Everything brother Branham touched or utilized became commercial objects for VGR and their president. Billy Paul till this day, still multiplying prayer tissues from those he kept since brother Branham died just to lie people and make more money instead of taking care of the message. We do confirm today that Branham Tabernacle has become a denomination filled with businessman and not man of God who can stand for the truth, the message. Here is what the prophet said of the children of founders “And then here, the children, immediately after them founders, what do they do? They didn’t stay on the stalk. They pulled away from It and made themself a little husk thing out here. Which, you get away from the real source of Life, you have no Life. You take a husk off the thing, and plant it out here in the ground, it’ll lay down and rot. And so are you, trying to eat rotten manna from back in them days. The harvest is ripe! Jesus has a table spread, where the saints of God are fed on ripened Food of the day, by the Gospel Light that vindicates and proves that He is here today. Amen. The saints eat the Bread” THERE IS A MAN HERE THAT CAN TURN ON THE LIGHT, p.177.

Welcome To Reverend Ken's page

I was born in Kipushi a few kilometers from the city of Lubumbashi, in the rich copper Katanga province, located in the southern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo. I was raised and grew up in the city of Kinshasa, the capital of the DR Congo, where I spent my entire childhood and adolescence.
My first contact with the Bible and the prayer life was with my family. My father and mother were Protestant. My father, who was a preacher in the Presbyterian Church, used to gather the whole family together every evening for a few minutes of meditation and prayer before going to bed. On this occasion, he would first read a biblical passage aloud to the whole family and then he would explain us the context in a short exhortation. Then he would ask the whole family to close their eyes, bow their heads and pray a prayer to God. This is how from my childhood the love of God and His Word was sowed in me, even though I did not know the message of the End Time yet and I was not yet truly converted. It was around the age of 15 that I felt in my heart the call to serve the Lord, but at that time I did not yet know anything about the message of the end time. I did not know that in our generation God had already sent His prophet William Branham with a message to prepare the Bride Church for the second coming of Christ and the rapture.
After having successively attended the Catholic Church and various charismatic prayer groups in the city of Kinshasa for several years, Elohim granted me the grace to come into contact with the message of the End Time in 1984 firstly through the prayer groups of the message, which I attended but which did not themselves have a full and correct understanding of the message of the End Time . It was finally in 1986-1987 that I took a definitive stand for the message of the End Time, with a correct understanding and orientation, in the Early Church . It was Pastor Pierre Kasambakana who answered clearly and correctly to all my questions concerning the message, who preached it to me correctly and who led me to the baptismal waters at the Ndjili river in the city of Kinshasa. Since that time, I was preached and taught every day about the message of the end-time and I grew up at the feet of his doctoral and apostolic ministry. He is the one who generated me in faith, my sire and trainer in the End-time message. By God’s grace I can say, without doubt, that I know the End-time message very well. I have read it, I have listened to it, I have studied it, I have meditated on it several times and I have become familiar with it.
It was in 1993 that the Lord allowed Pastor Kas Pierre, the General Bishop , to notice the little gift he had placed in me to serve him. The latter undertook to train me and to provide me with ministerial guidance. Every week, He sent me to preach to the assembly of brothers and sisters who lived in the Mama Mobutu city. This gave me a concrete introduction into the ministry of preaching and teaching the Word of God. In 1994 I began to preach and teach from time to time during worship services in the large assembly in Kinshasa at the Headquarters and the whole assembly was very happy about it.
My first trip to the mission field to spread the message was in 1994. I travelled first to the northern part of the DR Congo, in the Equateur province, in the city of Gbadolite and Mobayi Mbongo to evangelize and spread the message. Then after two months I undertook a second missionary trip to the center of the DR Congo, in the diamond-mining town of Mbuji-Mayi in the province of Eastern Kasai. Since that time Yahweh Elohim sent me to other several cities in DR Congo and around the world to preach the End-time message, to baptize believers there, and to visit and support the assemblies that already existed. The Lord blessed our missionary travels to the point that many assemblies were born in the world through our small ministry. Souls were saved, believers were baptized, brothers and sisters received the understanding of the message, many were blessed spiritually and materially. May glory be given to Yahweh Elohim who worked himself using us as mere tools.
During these few years of divine ministry in the mission fields, Yahweh led me to preach in many cities and countries:
Country |
Cities |
England |
London |
United State Of America |
Buffalo NY, Laurel MA, Jeffersonville IN, Washington DC |
Rwanda |
Kigali |
Republic of South Africa |
Johannesburg, Durban |
Zimbabwe |
Harare |
Republic of Congo |
Brazzaville, Dolisie, Nkayi, Pointe-Noire, Ludima, Madingokayi, Sibiti etc... |
Angola |
Soyo |
DR Congo |
Matadi, Boma, Kinzavwete; Inga, Kwango, Kenge, |
Before coming to the USA, I was the pastor of the Yeshouah Ha Masyah Primitive Church in Mbuji-Mayi in the province of Kasai Oriental in DR Congo. From 2008 to 2016, I was pastor of the Early Church of the Lord Yeshouah in the city of Buffalo in the State of New York.
Currently I am serving the Lord in the Yeshouah Ha Masyah’s Early Church in the city of Jeffersonville , Indiana. I am a privileged collaborator of the General Bishop Pierre Kasambakana and I work for the Early Church Mission Center in Jeffersonville, Indiana, USA.
May Yahweh El Shadday bless you all!
Quote of The Day
By a prophet the Lord brought Israel out of Egypt, and by a prophet Israel was preserved.